Friday, August 17, 2012

Gardening DNA

I keep a small vegetable garden in my exurban backyard. I have had some sort of garden almost every year of my adult life. I'm not sure why I started. Some years, it's harder to get started than others. Weather is always an issue. The past two summers have been extremely hot, so I found some vegetables loved the heat and others wilted. If a plant grows, great! If not, I'll try something else.

I appreciate being able to run out to the garden, pick a few tomatoes, peppers, or cucumbers and eat them with dinner. I've also learned to pickle my banana peppers, make refrigerator dill pickles, and whip up a pretty mean salsa! But we are by no means dependent upon the garden.

Last weekend after a big harvest, I spent time pickling and salsa-ing. And I thought, this is enjoyable but I sure couldn't do this all the time.

So I'd like to take a moment to send a big "thank you" to all my ancestors that DID have to work the land and gardens and fruit trees to feed their families. The farm wives had to pick and plant and harvest and churn and salt and store and do all the other tasks necessary to keep their family fed.

Thank you for the work you did then. And thank you for sending a little gardening DNA along to me.
© 2012 Sally Knudsen